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Rochford Primary & Nursery School

South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

At Rochford Primary & Nursery School, we recognise the importance of personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education and the role it plays in developing our pupils into healthy, independent, and responsible individuals who are prepared for life and work.

Our PSHE curriculum (3D PSHE) has been designed for the pupils of RPS based on the core areas identified by the PSHE association. Our curriculum builds upon the children’s first stages of development in EYFS through progressive and sequenced topics, which revolve around three key themes: relationships, health and wellbeing and living in the wider world. Through these themes specific units are explored, including: healthy lifestyles, changing and growing, diversity and community.

Within the study of PSHE, our children develop the knowledge, skills, and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future.







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